Welcome to our Country Collection!
We are implementing S4D projects and programmes in countries all over the world, always in close cooperation with different local partner organisations. In every country, significant S4D knowledge and content has been developed, in different languages, with different sport ant topical foci. We are happy to share that valuable S4D knowledge with you!
The ongoing conflicts in the Palestinian Territories have a negative impact on the education system and economic development of the region. Half of the population lives in poverty and youth unemployment is very high at 40%. Lack of educational opportunities and lack of information about the labour market complicate the job entry for the young people.
Therefore the GIZ and their partners focus on sustainable economic development and employment promotion. Through their activities in the field of S4D, German development cooperation helps socially disadvantaged young people to develop important personal and work-related competences. The activities also aim to provide targeted careers guidance to marginalised young people who would otherwise be difficult to reach. One approach involves providing information on career options at sports events together with hands-on opportunities to try out various manual tasks. Sport is also integrated into career guidance days and vocational education programmes. This leads to increased levels of acceptance and greater interest in vocational education among young people. Through the project’s activities, coaches and sports science graduates learn to impart key skills through the medium of sport. The aim is to use sports activities to help young people recognise the value of competences that will help them forge successful careers, such as a sense of responsibility or the ability to work in a team. Training in non-violent ways of resolving conflict also plays a significant role.
The sport-pedagogical qualification of coaches and teachers is the main component of our advanced education and training programmes in the field of S4D ("Capacity Development on Individual Level"). In the Palestinian Territories, coaches and teachers have been further educated as part of the approach “Sport for Vocational Education and Employability”. Below you will find workshop documents from the Palestinian Territories which give you some insight into workshop contents and discussions.
We invite you to have a look at the following teaching and learning materials, which were created by the German Development Cooperation (GIZ) on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and our partner organizations in the Palestinian Territories. You will find a more detailed description about the materials in our collection S4D Tools for your Practice/Teaching and Learning Materials.
In some countries, the German Development Cooperation (GIZ) and local partners offer different events for children and youth, and the general public. Here you will find a real-life example of events focusing on “Sport for Vocational Education and Employability”, developed and implemented in the Palestinian Territories.
Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is an essential part of any S4D programme and all activities on the ground. The M&E tools below have been developed in cooperation with the German Sport University Cologne (DSHS). They were applied in different working contexts in the Palestinian Territories. If you are interested in M&E, this S4D Resource Toolkit offers you additional comprehensive information about M&E in the field of S4D and provides further hands-on M&E tools for your own practice.
If you want to have more detailed and/or further information about S4D in the country, please have a look at the following publications.