Welcome to our Country Collection!
We are implementing S4D projects and programmes in countries all over the world, always in close cooperation with different local partner organisations. In every country, significant S4D knowledge and content has been developed, in different languages, with different sport ant topical foci. We are happy to share that valuable S4D knowledge with you!
The GIZ programme „Social Inclusion through Sport in the Balkan Region“ seeks to closely cooperate with local networks consisting of municipalities, NGOs, schools, kindergartens and sport clubs, which are engaged in developing and implementing local S4D strategies in the following countries of the Western Balkans: North Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The activities of all networks focus on strengthening the capacities of coaches, trainers, PE teachers, social/youth workers and young professionals to use sport, physical activity and games as instruments for social inclusion of marginalized groups and community development. They raise awareness of S4D by staging social inclusive sport activities, improving the accessibility and increasing the participatory conditions of sport grounds and equipment. Networking, exchange and cooperation among different stakeholders on local, national and regional level fosters social cohesion and learning within communities and across borders.
The Local S4D Action Plan for the Municipality of New Belgrade creates conditions for the use and promotion of sport as a platform for more efficient social inclusion of different population categories that are at risk of social exclusion. The main purpose is to support the community to achieve social cohesion, overcome prejudices, increase the positive influence on public opinion, and disseminate ethical principles. The document was created by a network of organizations gathered around the Centre for care of the elderly, children and persons with disabilities.
The sport-pedagogical qualification of coaches and teachers is the main component of our advanced education and training programmes in the field of S4D ("Capacity Development on Individual Level"). Below you will find workshop documents from Serbia which give you some insight into workshop contents and discussions.
We invite you to have a look at the following teaching and learning material, which was created with our partner organizations in the Western Balkan. You will find a more detailed description about the materials in our collection S4D Tools for your Practice/Teaching and Learning Materials.
If you want to have more detailed and/or further information about S4D in the country, please have a look at the following publications.
The local sport for development nets (L-S4D-Nets) approach in the Western Balkan region is described in an interactive roadmap. The aim of this publication is to present the approach and to capture the main learnings. The roadmap also serves as a practical and hands on working aid that supports other sport for development programmes in shaping their own local networking activities.