Do you need S4D Tools for your own practice?
No matter if you are a new or advanced practitioner - here you will find useful and helpful guidelines, tools and templates to make S4D part of your own work. Through our teaching and learning materials sorted by countries and tools divided in different sections you get insights and inspiration - for example on how to lead your own S4D workshop!
Please keep in mind: All Teaching and Learning Materials, Guidelines, M&E Tools and Templates were developed in programme- and/or country-specific contexts, so please feel free to make selections, changes and modifications to fit your needs.

S4D Teaching and Learning Materials -
Tools for Advising Organizations and Institutions -
Tools for Designing S4D Workshops -
Tools for Implementing S4D Workshops for Instructors -
Tools for Implementing S4D Activities, Training Sessions and Events -
Tools for Using and Maintaining Sports Grounds -
Tools for Safeguarding in S4D
The Teaching and Learning Materials are addressed to coaches, teachers and instructors in the areas of formal and informal education. They introduce and cover topics, as well as its core aspects such as the structure, administration and the function of coaches/teachers as role models, creation of concepts and sustainability of activities. Additionally, the manuals outline numerous practical games and drills, and provide helpful recommendations, to promote competences in relation to social inclusion, health education, violence prevention, as well as gender and environmental awareness.
Within the Youth Development through Football (YDF) project in South Africa, a series of manuals were developed: The "YDF Manual for Coaches" aims to be an introduction on the educational process of coaches and social workers integrating life skills into football sessions.
Here you will find more information about the different teaching and learning material developed in Brazil:
The Manual "Treino Social, Apostila do Treinador" aims to show coaches how to integrate social skills into football sessions.
The Guideline “Treino Social e Esportes Coletivos” complements the Manual. The Guideline was developed by the Brazilian non-governmental organization, Promundo, to expand its application to other sport disciplines.
The Manual "Treino Social 14+, Apostila do Treinador" is dedicated to football coaches working with youth who are 14 years-old and older. The manual include the following key contents:
- Roles and responsibility of a coach.
- The development of the age groups (children 6-12 years; youth 14+).
- Environment, Health, Culture of Peace and Gender.
- Definition, description and operational principles of team sports (football, handball, volleyball, basketball, hockey, rug-by).
- Description of the method Treino Social and the development of competences (social, personal, technical and tactical).
- Exemplarily training sessions and activities; adaptations of the method to other sports.
The Manual “Active Communities – A Coach’s Guide for getting kids active before and after school” assist coaches in community-based programs to deliver positive sport before and after school. The manual was developed in 2013, for the context of Brazil, with the aim of providing “fun options” of physical activity to children to assist in the development of their academic and social performance. Key elements include:
- A description of the power of Coachesr to be most influential person in a child’s life- both on and off the field.
- Delivering early positive experiences through the seven design filters: universal access; age appropriateness; dosage and duration; fun; feedback to kids; and Teacher/Coach/Mentor.
- Four coaching strategies for the promotion of early positive experiences including: dynamic stretching, instruction, encouragement and modifications.
- A framework which explains how a coach can begin and start getting kids active before and after school.
The Manual "Futebol para o Desenvolvimento para multiplicadoras/es" is intended for professionals and volunteers, working with football for development with adolescents and young people between the ages of 14 and 24. Key elements include:
- Themes to stimulate the participation of students, as well as encourage them to find examples across different topics (e.g. gender, health, environment).
- Examples of practical sport activities as well as guidelines hosting discussions during class.
- Outlining of conducting lessons on health, gender, environment, peace culture, culture, communication and work.
The Manual "Kicking Youth Competences" shows ways in which sport as an instrument can reach young people and thus create life perspectives.
- Utilization of sport tool to teach employability skills, such as teamwork, communication, perseverance and personal development.
- Strategies for coping with difficult circumstances and how to interact with others – both on the field and in the workplace.
- A Holistic model for career orientation and preparation.
- Skills trainers need to have to be a role model for young people to develop their personality.
- Design and structure of a training session, as well as potential materials and didactical methods to be used for training.
The Manual "Learn to play - play to learn" focuses on developing the creativity of coaches to merge games and sport activities to enhance competences and life skills. The manual:
- presents a toolbox “Learn to Play – Play to Learn”, which outlines the merging of games and sport activities.
- Addresses key learning environments coaches should be able to arrange (e.g. working with random groups on single or regular basis).
- Reviews the potential life skills that can be enhanced and targeted through sport, such as strategic thinking, effective communication, solidarity, fairplay, trust, teamwork, and emotional intelligence.
- Describes how life skills learned on the pitch can be transferred into daily and professional life.
- Provides examples of small games, active learning and team sports.
The Manuals "Football4Life", "Basketball4Life", "Volleyball4Life" and "Netball4Life" are part of a series of manuals for Namibia.
- Introduction and explanation of the Sport2Life (S2L) and S4D approach and how it enables participants to make healthy choices, avoid risky behaviour and be active citizens.
- Outlining long term coach and player development stages, as well as roles and themes associated with a coach in creating positive youth development through sports.
- Explanation step-by-step procedures of planning, structuring and adapting coaching sessions.
- Sample sessions for coaches with background information on healthy lifestyles (e.g. HIV/AIDs, sexual health) and life skills.
- Definitions of community mapping, as well as monitoring and evaluation, and a description of performing these concepts.
- Promotion of sports leadership skills of young people on-and-off of the court.
The Manuals "Physical Education4Life" provide educators with a methodical approach to integrate holistic developmental elements into PE sessions at schools in an innovative and unique way. The sample activity sessions in the guide align to themes and topics from the PE Syllabus regarding different grades (pre primary to grade 3, grade 4-7, grade 10 and 11) and incorporate inclusiveness, life skills and healthy lifestyle themes.
The drill book was developed for a Namibian NGO called Media and Information Literacy Learning Initative (MILLI*) to raise awareness on Media and Information Literacy through sport. It can be used by any coach/facilitator/multiplier who wants to address such topics through sport targeting children between 6-16 years. The aims of the drill book are:
- To equip facilitators with guidelines, tips and skills, which will enable them to integrate messages on Media and Information Literacy into activity sessions involving movement, sport and play.
- To provide facilitators with sample activity sessions which integrate movement skills and games with messages on Media Information and Literacy.
- To integrate the Sport 4 Development approach into sessions on Media and Information Literacy.
The Manual “Fútbol con principios” aims to combine sport training with basic principles/values of life in society.
The Manual "Deporte con principios" is an updated version of the "Fútbol con principios" manual that can be apllicable to various types of sport. The key elements stay the same. The illustrated book “Ino salgas, está lloviendo!” (Don't go out, it's raining!) tells several life stories of children, youth and adults who have developed important social competences through sport, changing their lives and that of their communities. It recognizes the benefits and impacts of the use of sport as a tool for social transformation and can be used as a pedagogical instrument to work in S4D training sessions.
Key elements of the manual include:
The Drillbook S4DA “Violence Prevention Through Football” is a practical guide for violence prevention through football with host community and refugees developed in Kenya.
- Practical activities to prepare and design football clinics with a focus on violence prevention and mutual understanding.
- A guide “how-to” conduct these practical activities such as: number of participants, equipment needs, adaptations, variations, principles for follow-up discussions and key concepts.
The Manual S4DA "Violence Prevention through Football" includes:
- Role of S4D in Violence Prevention.
- Outlining Host Community and Refugee context.
- Concepts for Instructors.
- Coaches’ Role in Violence Prevention.
- Organisation, Planning and Tools for Training Sessions.
- Practical Training Sessions Activities.
- Monitoring and Evaluation Questionnaires.
The aim of the drill book “WASH and Mental Health in Crisis Situations” is:
- to equip facilitators with the guidelines, tips and skills which will enable them to integrate messages on WaSH and Mental Health during crisis situations into S4D activity sessions.
- to enable facilitators to keep communities, including vulnerable groups, physically and mentally active during crisis situations.
- to provide facilitators with sample activity sessions which integrate accessible and inclusive movement skills and physical activity games with messages on WaSH and Mental Health.
- to integrate the S4D approach into practical activities.
The Manual S4DA “Sport2Work” is a practical guide for Technical and Vocational Education Training colleges (TVET), but is also suitable for schools, NGOs and community-based organizations.
The manual is addressed to teachers and coaches, empowering them to deliver sport activities that are useful to challenge youth unemployment. The manual includes the following key elements:
- Introduction of the “Sport2Work” Manual’s three pillars: developing employability competences on the field; developing employability competences off the field; and helping players find work.
- Definition of roles and responsibilities of a “Sport2Work” Coach.
- Explanation how competences through sport are transferable to the workplace by making a connection between sport and workplace competences.
- Practical examples for training sessions and guidelines on organizing a sports tournament that engage youth in developing employability competences.
- Guidelines for coaches how they can assist young people to use the employability developed through participation in the program to find work.
The "S4D TVET Teacher's Guideline" provides an overview of how to develop a session plan and the benefits of S4D as innovative pedagogy for the TVET sector. This guideline focuses on the employability skills which are essential for young people entering the labor market. S4D incorporates collaborative learning to enhance learning, engagement, and empowerment and to impact the performance of students, classes, teachers and TVET colleges. S4D takes place when students learn/work/act together to complete an activity or assignment. Accomplishing an activity or assignment together assist students to acquire the knowledge and skills of solving a problem while promoting deeper learning through doing. Nowadays, the labor market demands skills like collaboration, critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, adaptability, and social awareness.
The classroom S4D activities are designed to easily be implemented in a classroom setting and to be integrated into teacher’s PowerPoint slides.
The Afghanistan Sport Curriculum addresses itself to primary school teachers in the area of Physical Education (PE).
- Planning participatory sports lesson into reasonable steps.
- Key factors for the implementation of an effective PE lessons.
- Successful lesson management and communication techniques.
- Technical and physical skills associated with generalized movements like, kicking, throwing, catching, striking, stretching and balance.
- Reviews units associated with life skills, such as cognitive skills, social development, motivation, resilience, fairplay, cooperation, and goal setting.
The Guideline “Inclusive Child-Centered Education In Sports” is associated with the Basic Education Programme for Afghanistan, which aims to improve the quality of education. Key elements of the manual include:
- Pedagogical approaches of inclusion and child-centred learning, which strengthen children in preparing them for healthy and success life.
- A learner focused approach, where the teacher is the facilitator guiding the learner to achieve their educational, social and physical potential.
- The importance of physical education and how this can be a vehicle for social and mental development.
- Rights and needs for education systems to offer girls a healthy and happy live.
- Definition of inclusion in sport education and description why it is important.
- Description of the advantages of self-efficacy and resilience amongst primary school children.
The Manual "Sport Builds Generations" serves as a programmatic framework and practical guide for all field-level S4D coaches to promote positive, sustained, and holistic development among young people.
- Description of the role of the coach in the development of a player as well as practical advices for coaches.
- A practical guide for coaches with regards to goal-orientated training structure and the organisation of a training session
- Tips for facilitating S4D training, ensuring a social and motivational environment, and conflict-resolution
- Examples of age specific methods, principles and training.
- Sport´s role in facing global social challenges, especially in connection with the SDGs
- Promoting the practice-oriented qualification amongst individuals such as teachers, coaches, social workers and multipliers.
- Specific topics related to first aid, stretching exercises, use of equipment and the organisation of sport festivals and tournaments
- Provision of useful training sheets
The sport specific manuals for Football, Basketball, Handball and Ultimate Frisbee are supplements to the Sport Builds Generation Manual and serve as additional support and add more technical and sport specific topics. Structured identically, all sport-specific manuals encompass:
- An introduction to the sport
- A section about technical skills
- Practical tips for the coach
- Regular Training Sessions-Structure and Examples
- Sport Class Training Sessions-Structure and Examples
- Age-specific Training Sessions (only included in the Ultimate Frisbee manual)
- Useful Training sheets
The “Yalla Nela B - Guidebook for active and healthy communities” provides fun games and a hands-on facilitation guide. Its goal is to create a more active and healthy community through active play experiences anytime, anywhere, and with anyone. The guidebook includes:
- Information on how to build active communities through sport and play
- Guidelines to facilitate games and Responsibilities of the Facilitator
- Examples of active play activities
The Poster Development of a Player was created to summarize the phases of development of players based on a player’s age. Key aspects are:
- Phases of ages: Playful (up to age 9); golden age of learning (ages 9-12); puberty, insecurity, searching (ages 13-16); consolidation phase (ages 16 and older).
- Social, mental, physical and sporting characteristics of development phases.
- Teaching objectives and durations associated with social and sporting competences.
- Characteristics of methodology such as physical conditioning, training principles and types of games.
The Knowledge Box contains guidelines, tools and manuals developed by the ‘Sport for Development in Africa’ (S4DA) Regional Project and its partners.
THE FRAMEWORK - Sports Grounds with Concepts! gives an overview of Sport for Development (S4D) and explores how to assure its sustainable implementation. The framework that is outlined in this introductory section is relevant for all following parts of the knowledge box: it shows how to link the S4D approach to the organisation to obtain sustainability – both in regards to the long term maintenance of sports infrastructure and the regular implementation of S4D-activities.
PART 1 - Sustainable Sports Infrastructure explores the question ‘How to construct, renovate and maintain grassroots sports grounds’. First, it presents a Standard Design Manual for Grassroots Sports Grounds, which guides you through all key questions of constructing sports grounds and proposes an easy-to-implement and cost-efficient standard design. Second, it contains a Maintenance and Repair Manual for Grassroots Sports Grounds, which explains how to extend the life span of sports grounds by keeping them functional and of high quality.
PART 2 - Expanding S4D-Capacities explores the question ‘How to train coaches and instructors, organise S4D-camps and handle sports equipment’. It contains a guideline dedicated to S4D coaches and instructors: their roles, their selection and their qualification. A second guideline introduces S4D-camps as a special format, where coaches can apply their knowledge and children and youth can experience S4D in a concentrated way during several days in a row. Finally, this part explores the purpose and handling of sports equipment and provides tips and tricks for practitioners.
PART 3 - Putting S4D into Practice explores how to promote life skills through sports and gives you an idea how S4D can look like in practice. It contains sport-pedagogical manuals and drillbooks that give suggestions how to prepare and implement S4D-sessions and illustrate specific S4D-exercises.
The Manual For Sport For Development Volunteers In The Balkan Region was developed to support facilitators and young leaders in the Balkan region to conduct sport and playful activities together with their community.
The Manual S4DA “Le sport au service du civisme et de la bonne citoyennete" aims to outline how to use sport as a tool for community development and civic education.
- Guidelines (preconditions and steps) on how to implement S4D in a community.
- Sport and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
- Roles and responsibilities of a coach.
- Planning of a S4D training session.
- Guideline on how to link training sessions with social and healthy lifestyle topics.
The four Drillbooks S4DA “Le football/ handball/ basketball/ volleyball au service du civisme et de la bonne citoyennete" contains different drills illustrating how the different sports football, handball, basketball and volleyball can be used as tools for community development and civic education. Focus points of the Drillbook are the following:
- Competences addressed through the drill.
- Equipment needed to perform drills.
- Description of the drill.
- Illustration of the drill on the sports ground.
- Proposals for drill variations.
- Discussion points for after the drill.
This guide to inclusive management of sports grounds responds to a need identified in the management of sports grounds in Morocco, based on the experience of the Commune of Salé.
The objective of the guide is to present an "inclusive management" framework to community ground managers in order to foster the integration of migrants, refugees and Moroccans through sport. More specifically, this guide aims to strengthen the capacities of municipalities to manage community grounds (1) and to make them more inclusive (2). It is therefore addressed to all those involved in the management of community pitches: municipalities, associations, management committees or even the managers themselves.
The Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemdikbud) has complied together with the German Development Cooperation (GIZ) a guideline for teachers which is now being used within the framework of the Indonesian character-building agenda (Penguatan Pendidikan Karater, PPK).
The Practical Guideline Panduan Sepak Bola untuk semua di sekolah is aimed at teachers who are interested in using football as an innovative teaching and learning medium. It explains basic football techniques such as dribbling, passing and shooting and links the experiences with topics like respect, fairness and consideration. Furthermore, the guideline contains:
- Basics of a healthy lifestyle and a peaceful coexistence
- Suggestions for the development of codes of conduct for teachers, parents and students
- Checklists and schedules for the organisation of football festivals
- Tips on how to replace sports-specific equipment with inexpensive everyday objects
It aims an age-appropriate and inclusive approach and exercises adapted to the circumstances in order to create a learning environment in which everyone feels comfortable.
The Booklet of Small Games was developed for a three-day S4D course for employees of 20 hotels on Lombok Island. It contains games in line with the training’s focus on skills related to discipline, teamwork, communication and leadership.
The Manual “Deporte con principios” aims to combine sport training with important basic principles/values of life in society.
Key elements of the manual include:
The Manual "Athletics for Development" (A4D) aims to outline how athletics can be used to contribute to different development objectives (e.
- Theoretical (e.g. skill/competence development, age approppriate training) and practical knowledge (e.g. how to structure training sessions) about A4D
- Roles and responsibilities of a coach
- Local equipment production
- Practical A4D training sessions
- Local traditional games
- Games for mariginalized children and youth (visual impaired including albinism)
- Planning A4D festivals
During the beginning of the pandemic in 2020 Viva con Agua and GIZ partnered up to develop the hygiene manual “Become the next Washampion”. This comic book filled with activities and information on hygiene measures aims at educating young people in a fun way on how to behave within a sports team and in their respective communities during pandemic times. More than 5000 children and teenagers have been reached through the manual already and both partner organizations are busy planning the distribution of a lot more comic books throughout all districts in Uganda.
The Manual "Sport Builds Generations" serves as a programmatic framework and practical guide for all field-level S4D coaches to promote positive, sustained, and holistic development among young people.
- Description of the role of the coach in the development of a player as well as practical advices for coaches.
- A practical guide for coaches with regards to goal-orientated training structure and the organisation of a training session
- Tips for facilitating S4D training, ensuring a social and motivational environment, and conflict-resolution
- Examples of age specific methods, principles and training.
- Sport´s role in facing global social challenges, especially in connection with the SDGs
- Promoting the practice-oriented qualification amongst individuals such as teachers, coaches, social workers and multipliers.
- Specific topics related to first aid, stretching exercises, use of equipment and the organisation of sport festivals and tournaments
- Provision of useful training sheets
The “Yalla Nela B - Guidebook for active and healthy communities” provides fun games and a hands-on facilitation guide. Its goal is to create a more active and healthy community through active play experiences anytime, anywhere, and with anyone. The guidebook includes:
- Information on how to build active communities through sport and play
- Guidelines to facilitate games and Responsibilities of the Facilitator
- Examples of active play activities
The Poster Development of a Player was created to summarize the phases of development of players based on a player’s age. Key aspects are:
- Phases of ages: Playful (up to age 9); golden age of learning (ages 9-12); puberty, insecurity, searching (ages 13-16); consolidation phase (ages 16 and older).
- Social, mental, physical and sporting characteristics of development phases.
- Teaching objectives and durations associated with social and sporting competences.
- Characteristics of methodology such as physical conditioning, training principles and types of games.
The Manual “Deporte con principios” aims to combine sport training with important basic principles/values of life in society.
Key elements of the manual include:
The manual "S4D - Promouvoir les Compétences d'Employabilité à travers le Sport au Sénégal" was developed by a team of researchers and teachers from INSEPS – the National Sports Institute in Dakar - in cooperation with S4DA.
The four „Standing Out“ manuals have been designed to promote employability through sport by developing labour-market relevant soft skills. They have been specially conceived to prepare young people in education or (vocational) training to enter the labour market but are not limited to this group of people.
The pocket manual “Les bases du S4D” is the best starting point for immersion in the topic as it introduces the reader to the basics of the S4D approach by presenting the S4D terminology, the principles of S4D, and the cycle of S4D training sessions and by focusing on safeguarding in sports and the creation of safe spaces.
The other three manuals of the series focus on three areas of employability, for each of which five competences have been identified as listed below.
- effective communication: active listening, self-confidence, adaptability, empathy, self-reflection
- entrepreneurship: decision-making, motivation, problem-solving, networking, innovation
- teamwork: accepting differences, cooperation, critical analysis, reliability and sense of responsibility, conflict resolution
Each pocket manual contains 15 exercises and has been designed as a practical resource for coaches, instructors, teachers, and educators. They can be used on the sports ground, in the classroom or in any other appropriate setting to prepare and conduct S4D sessions.
Advising both local and non-local partner organizations is a part of working within the development cooperation context. Consulting means helping people to help themselves, by building their technical and personal competences and by further developing organisational and management structures, procedures and processes. The Guidelines below give insights on how advisory and consulting processes can be designed to ensure a successful outcome in the field of S4D. The questionnaires provided are ideal M&E Tools to track scaling-up processes within a programme.
Guidelines contain helpful recommendation on how to organize and structure certain processes and/or activities in the working area of S4D and can be used for consultancy as well.
- The Guideline "S4D Toolkit Glossary" contains a list of shortly defined terms related to S4D which can be supportive in advising organizations or institutions.
- The Guideline "S4D and the Agenda 2030" summarise the contribution of sport regarding certain SDGs.
- The Guideline "General S4D Background" gives some useful background information about S4D and answers some basic wuestions, such as "Which role can play sport in development".
- The Guideline "Capacity Development in the field of S4D" describes CD activities on different levels, including actors and methodological approaches in the field of S4D.
M&E Tools allow to measure and understand outputs and outcomes of certain S4D processes and/or activities in your working context.
The M&E Tools reflect scaling-up processes from different perspectives. They aim to reflect scaling-up processes within a programme from the point of view of employees and partner organizations working in the development cooperation context.
The Knowledge Box contains guidelines, tools and manuals developed by the ‘Sport for Development in Africa’ (S4DA) Regional Project and its partners.
THE FRAMEWORK - Sports Grounds with Concepts! gives an overview of Sport for Development (S4D) and explores how to assure its sustainable implementation. The framework that is outlined in this introductory section is relevant for all following parts of the knowledge box: it shows how to link the S4D approach to the organisation to obtain sustainability – both in regards to the long term maintenance of sports infrastructure and the regular implementation of S4D-activities.
PART 1 - Sustainable Sports Infrastructure explores the question ‘How to construct, renovate and maintain grassroots sports grounds’. First, it presents a Standard Design Manual for Grassroots Sports Grounds, which guides you through all key questions of constructing sports grounds and proposes an easy-to-implement and cost-efficient standard design. Second, it contains a Maintenance and Repair Manual for Grassroots Sports Grounds, which explains how to extend the life span of sports grounds by keeping them functional and of high quality.
PART 2 - Expanding S4D-Capacities explores the question ‘How to train coaches and instructors, organise S4D-camps and handle sports equipment’. It contains a guideline dedicated to S4D coaches and instructors: their roles, their selection and their qualification. A second guideline introduces S4D-camps as a special format, where coaches can apply their knowledge and children and youth can experience S4D in a concentrated way during several days in a row. Finally, this part explores the purpose and handling of sports equipment and provides tips and tricks for practitioners.
PART 3 - Putting S4D into Practice explores how to promote life skills through sports and gives you an idea how S4D can look like in practice. It contains sport-pedagogical manuals and drillbooks that give suggestions how to prepare and implement S4D-sessions and illustrate specific S4D-exercises.
The sport-pedagogical qualification of coaches and instructors is essential in the field of S4D. Below you will find Guidelines, Templates, and M&E Tools which can support you in planning and implementing a well-executed, qualitative and structured workshop as well as follow-up activities to ensure quality education in S4D.
Templates are blank forms and can be used to simplify your working processes in S4D.
Template "Agenda for Workshops" A detailed and informative agenda is not only helpful for organisers and instructors, but also for participants it can be used as a guideline.
Template "Workshop Reporting short/long Version": The reporting guidelines (long and short versions) provide structure for the documentation a workshop. Detailed documentation is necessary for knowledge management and the positive development of contents and organization of workshops in the future.
Template "Pre Course Information Sheet": If distributed to participating persons in advance, the pre-course information sheet gives valuable information such as educational backgrounds and/or level of knowledge, which helps shape the design and organization of a workshop.
Template "Attendance Sheet Workshop": When planning a workshop, it is important to consider M&E from the beginning. Attendance sheets should be used to monitor and track participation.
Template "Certificate of Particpation": After having completed a workshop successfully, the participants should get a certificate including contents of the workshop.
Template "Overview Workshops and other Activities": If you are offering a lot of workshops (or other activities and events) within a year, this monitoring tool will assist you to keeping an overview of your workshops.
M&E Tools allow to measure and understand outputs and outcomes of certain S4D processes and/or activities in your working context.
- M&E Tool "Pre/Post Questionnaire for Workshops": Focusing on the knowledge gained in the workshop and/or attitude changes, and the feasibility of the workshop, pre- and post-questionnaires should be handed to workshop participants before and after the workshop.
- M&E Tool "Extended Post Questionnaire for Coach/Instructor Workshops": If resources or preparation have not allowed assessing participants before the workshop, using an extended post-questionnaire, like this one, will help to gain first insights as well.
The Guidelines "Ensuring Quality Education in S4D" serve as a model to ensure a high-quality education and sustainable capacity development (CD) process on the individual level.
Guidelines contain helpful recommendation on how to organize and structure certain processes and/or activities in the working area of S4D and can be used for conultancy a s well.
- The Manual/Guideline "Coaches and Instructors" explores the roles and responsibilities of coaches and instructors, gives orientation for selecting the right candidates for these positions, and finally offers a standard for the implementation of S4D workshops for coaches and instructors, where those candidates learn how to apply S4D in practice.
- Guideline "Alternative Options for Receiving Feedback": If you want to receive feedback after a workshop without distributing a questionnaire, have a look on this guideline, it contains a range of alternative options.
- Guideline "Giving Constructive Feedback": Constructive feedback is information-specific, issue-focused, and based on your observations. In this guideline you will find rules to respect while giving feedback to persons (e.g. after a workshop).
- Guideline "How to perform Follow-up Coaching Visits": The guideline gives an overview on which steps are necessary when conducting follow-up coaching visits.
M&E Tools allow to measure and understand outputs and outcomes of certain S4D processes and/or activities in your working context.
- M&E Tool "Follow-up Coach Questionnaire": Looking on how workshop participants implement what they have been learning, follow-up assessments are necessary a few weeks or even months after the workshops. These can be conducted as survey, e.g. via online survey as a quick way. The questionnaire for coaches is available in five different languages.
- M&E Tool "Follow-up Instructor Questionnaire": Looking on how workshop participants implement what they have been learning, follow-up assessments are necessary a few weeks or even months after the workshops. These can be conducted as survey, e.g. via online survey as a quick way. The questionnaire for instructors is available in five different languages.
- M&E Tool "Follow-up Training Observation and Interview" Looking on how workshop participants implement what they have been learning, follow-up assessments are necessary a few weeks or even months after the workshops. These can be conducted in an extensive way as field-observation and interview.
Welcome to the S4D Workshop for Instructors!
The S4D Workshop for Instructors aims to enable current S4D coaches to become S4D instructors. For coaches to be able to become instructors, they must already possess a certain amount of knowledge and experience in the field of S4D.
In this workshop, current coaches should be taught how to:
- Convey their existing S4D knowledge to other coaches
- Facilitate S4D instructor workshops
- Convey their new knowledge on facilitating an S4D instructor workshop to other coaches
The following Workshop is split into several individual courses. These courses can either be used separately or – preferably – as a whole, as part of an S4D Instructor Workshop.
Be aware that course participants may have differing levels of previous knowledge and that an S4D Onboarding course may be needed before the start of the actual workshop. Such an introductory course can be used to ensure that course participants with less previous experience acquire the needed amount of S4D knowledge to participate in an instructor workshop.
All courses are structured the same way and divided into two distinct sections:
- The first section introduces the topic itself. This is the content part of the course. It can be studied by any person that is interested in finding out more about the respective topic.
- The second section is a facilitation part. This part of the course takes on the perspective of a course facilitator who wishes to teach coaches how to become instructors. It is divided into the three sections:Theory, Practice and Reflection.
For more details about content and structure have a look at the Guideline "General Introduction" below. Furthermore, the Guideline "How to start a Workshop "can help you with the implementation of a workshop.
Please note that all the following Guidelines can be viewed and used individually and in a different order.
Starting a workshop should be carefully planned, as it will be course participants’ first impression of an S4D instructor workshop. The Guideline How to start a Workshop can help you with the implementation of a workshop.
This course outlines what must be considered regarding how to teach that content as an S4D instructor so that course participants will retain as much of the newly gained knowledge as possible.
Adults process, understand and learn knowledge differently than children and young people. For the course facilitator, the biggest difference is that while a coach teaches (children), a course facilitator helps (adults) learn.
The 5 Principles of S4D covers the general framework and the basics of S4D. The focus of the course is on the five main principles of S4D. You will find one course on each of these principles.
The poster "The 5 Principles of S4D" illustrates all the principles at a glance.
The poster "Development of a Player" serves as an overview about different development phases of children and youth, respective teaching goals and methods.
This Part of the course focuses mainly on life skills/competences, the UN Sustainable Development Goals and sport’s contribution to these goals.
Overall, the advanced courses build on the five main principles of S4D and will regularly refer to information from previous courses. It will therefore be assumed that course facilitators and course participants are familiar with the contents of the 5 Principles before continuing with S4D and the SDGs.
Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) is an overarching process, stretching throughout S4D activities where it is implemented at every stage.
An instructor workshop must be understood as an S4D capacity development activity and therefore also needs to be adequately monitored and evaluated. The guideline below applies to both the workshop as well as S4D activities in general.
Closing a workshop should be carefully planned, as it will be the last impression that course participants are left with after an S4D instructor workshop. Therefore the guideline below gives you an idea.
The approach of S4D provides the possibility of covering multiple subjects and allows for greater diversity in creating and managing an event or training activity, e.g. S4D training sessions or S4D tournaments. Below is a list of supplement information and templates associated with planning, monitoring, managing and evaluating activities/events.
Guidelines contain helpful recommendation on how to organize and structure certain processes and/or activities in the working area of S4D.
- Guideline "S4D Competences as Part of a Training Session - The S4D Training Session Cycle": The guideline gives an overview how your S4D training session should be planned, delivered and assessed so that the development of competences of children and youth is prioritized.
- Guideline "Planning a Training Session": The guideline was developed by the Regional Programme in Jordan and assists to plan and structure a S4D training session in advance.
- Guideline "Systems to organize Tournaments": The guideline was developed by the Regional Programme, in Jordan, and provides different systems to organize tournaments.
- Guideline "Code of Conduct S4D Coach": An example on how S4D coaches can confirm their role and responsibility that comes along with their work with children and youth.
- Guideline "Code of Ethics Coach-Player": An example on how a code of ethics about respect, fair play and tolerance could look like.
Templates are blank forms and can be used to simplify your working processes in S4D.
- Template "Planning and Reviewing Sheet for S4D Training Sessions": If you want to perform a S4D training session with children and youth, the following sheet can assist you to plan, conduct and review a well-structured course.
- Template "Attendance Sheet for Training Sessions" (absolute, moderate and minimalist Approach): Looking at the different contexts and circumstances that frame sporting activities, tracking participants is not always easy. But, there are several different approaches that can be used. Ranging from an absolute approach, which provides an abundance of exact and specific details, to a minimalist approach, which provides more estimate and average details.
To learn and gain knowledge about the construction, use and maintainace of the sports ground and its equipment, manuals and guidelines including descriptions and tools have been created by the GIZ "Sport for Development in Africa" regional project and its partners to assess these matters.
The Knowledge Box contains guidelines, tools and manuals developed by the ‘Sport for Development in Africa’ (S4DA) Regional Project and its partners.
THE FRAMEWORK - Sports Grounds with Concepts! gives an overview of Sport for Development (S4D) and explores how to assure its sustainable implementation. The framework that is outlined in this introductory section is relevant for all following parts of the knowledge box: it shows how to link the S4D approach to the organisation to obtain sustainability – both in regards to the long term maintenance of sports infrastructure and the regular implementation of S4D-activities.
PART 1 - Sustainable Sports Infrastructure explores the question ‘How to construct, renovate and maintain grassroots sports grounds’. First, it presents a Standard Design Manual for Grassroots Sports Grounds, which guides you through all key questions of constructing sports grounds and proposes an easy-to-implement and cost-efficient standard design. Second, it contains a Maintenance and Repair Manual for Grassroots Sports Grounds, which explains how to extend the life span of sports grounds by keeping them functional and of high quality.
PART 2 - Expanding S4D-Capacities explores the question ‘How to train coaches and instructors, organise S4D-camps and handle sports equipment’. It contains a guideline dedicated to S4D coaches and instructors: their roles, their selection and their qualification. A second guideline introduces S4D-camps as a special format, where coaches can apply their knowledge and children and youth can experience S4D in a concentrated way during several days in a row. Finally, this part explores the purpose and handling of sports equipment and provides tips and tricks for practitioners.
PART 3 - Putting S4D into Practice explores how to promote life skills through sports and gives you an idea how S4D can look like in practice. It contains sport-pedagogical manuals and drillbooks that give suggestions how to prepare and implement S4D-sessions and illustrate specific S4D-exercises.
Safeguarding is a vital process to protect children and adults from harm, abuse and neglect. Sport should be safe, inclusive, and enjoyable for all participants and everyone that works in sport has a duty to ensure all who participate can do so safely. Safeguarding in Sport and Sport for Development (S4D) Contexts in Africa: A Practitioner’s Guide from Policy to Action is a comprehensive handbook that gives a step-by-step approach on how to implement safeguarding measures in sport. Although written and developed for the African context, this handbook should be of interest to sports organisations and practitioners around the world.
The resource looks at how sports organisations can implement policies and procedures to protect children and vulnerable adults from non-accidental harm. The guide also provides best practices in safeguarding for facilitators including coaches, teachers and peer leaders for engaging participants and the wider community.
In the Learning Lab you will find more information about our self-learning course "Safeguarding in Sport and S4D" on atingi.
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