Tracking 'Sport for Development' worldwide |
Tracking ‘Sport for Development’ (S4D) worldwide |
With a global pandemic influencing also the way S4D is being implemented, new learning opportunities in digital form were being developed to reach the S4D community and target groups.
Facts and figures of ‘Sport for Development’ (S4D). Photo © GIZ |
Engaging Youth in Sport and Play for Social Change: Sport for Development-Jordan celebrates the International Youth Day
by Haneen Alkhatib
In Jordan, the 'Youth Leadership Programme' is implemented by GIZ on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The programme was launched in 2016 with the goal: Every young person has access to and positive experiences with sport and play activities. Since then, our Youth Leaders have been engaged with different kind of sports such as football, basketball, handball and ultimate frisbee. They play an important role in their local communities, schools and some national sport federations in applying the S4D approach using age-appropriate, fun-oriented, and participatory sport activities to strengthen their players’ social and sportive skills. |
Some impressions from this year’s celebration of the International Youth Day. Photo © GIZ Jordan |
On 12 August each year S4D celebrates the International Youth Day with the motto ‘Growing Together On and Off the Pitch’. With a strong emphasis on both social and sportive skills, S4D methods strengthen important values such as fair play, empathy, and tolerance, while being open to all parts of the population, particularly girls and young women, refugees, people with disabilities, and other marginalized groups. On the pitch, children find common ground to interact with each other and solve conflicts peacefully. Active reflection sessions help them to deal with setbacks, make solid decisions, and treat each other with respect. S4D activities strive to create a more cohesive and physically active society. |
The Youth Leaders team at this year’s celebration of the International Youth Day. Photo © GIZ Jordan |
On the pitch, children find common ground to interact with each other and solve conflicts peacefully. Active reflection sessions help them to deal with setbacks, make solid decisions, and treat each other with respect. S4D activities strive to create a more cohesive and physically active society. |
Different kind of sports such as football, basketball, and ultimate frisbee were part of the Celebration – always with a smile and a lot of fun. Photo © GIZ Jordan |
55 Youth Leaders from 9 governorates have joined this year’s celebration of International Youth Day where they had the chance to exchange experiences and share knowledge with each other, making new friends, play and enjoy S4D activities and have some theoretical sessions to emphasise their role model positions.
haneen.alkhatib@giz.de |
Sport offers unparalleled Opportunities in Central America |
by Catalina Prieto Solano
More countries in the Americas are recognising sport as a tool for social and economic development. Now it is Central America's turn. Countries such as El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala are looking for innovative strategies that allow them to continue working for youth, coexistence, and social cohesion.
Young people are taking an increasingly active role in the political and social sphere. We have joined efforts with the Central American Social Integration Secretariat (SISCA) as well as the ALTERNATIVAS and CaPAZ programs of the GIZ to provide tools for trainers, leaders, and teachers that shall enable them to develop skills and competencies in the area of 'Sport for Development'. |
'Sometimes we observe sport from its purely competitive scope and focused on the development of the discipline's capabilities, forgetting the great power of social transformation that it has' (Training Participant, San Salvador, August 2022). Photo © GIZ Catalina Prieto Solano |
Two training processes were developed:
1. Basic Course: Sport with Principles
2. Introductory Course: 'Sport for Development'.
A total of 22 coaches have been trained and sensitised on the importance of using ‘Sport for Development’ and have new tools to conduct sports sessions with a social focus, promoting the formation of citizens with values that contribute to peaceful coexistence and with a high level of awareness of their role in the construction of society.
The ‘Sport with Principles’ training process included a second face-to-face stage in El Salvador. This was an enriching experience. It achieved the objective of consolidating learning and an exchange of experiences that strengthened the articulation between countries. In company with the Mayor's Office of Cojutepeque, the ‘Play with Principles’ Festival was held, in which 50 girls, boys and young people from the municipality participated, as well as 20 parents. |
'I understand that our teaching performance depends on many variables, among them the continuous and evolving preparation of knowledge, (...) with the reading of the role of the trainer I have assimilated in a better way my responsibilities in the construction of society and not only of people fit for sports competition' (Training Participant, El Salvador, August 2022). Photo © GIZ Catalina Prieto Solano |
This is the beginning of an adventure of efforts and the strengthening of a network of trainers who know and use ‘Sport for Development’ strategies as a tool for social transformation in Central America. In addition to promoting the link with national and local governmental entities to institutionalize the practice of this social approach and thus contribute to the prevention of violence affecting children and young people in El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala.
catalina.prieto@giz.de |
Launch of Sport for Employability Manual in Senegal |
by Catherine Daraspe
After two years of mobilisation, consultation and implementation, a sport for employability manual is available for sport and ‘Sport for Development’ (S4D) actors and the general public in Senegal and the francophone subregion. The official launching ceremony took place on 6 September 2022 in Dakar at the National Sports Institute INSEPS-UCAD with representatives from ministries and other national/regional political bodies, implementing project partners and other sports/S4D interested organisations, civil society actors as well as international/multilateral players. |
The new 'Sport for Employability Manual' is now available. Photo © GIZ |
The 235-page masterpiece is a result of the cooperation between ‘Sport for Development’ in Africa (S4DA) and its Senegalese partners, led by a team of researchers and teachers from the INSEPS, the national institute in charge of physical education and sports at Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar. While the first methodological part of the manual focuses on the essentials of S4D and physical education intervention science, the exhaustive practical part offers about 80 S4D exercises, elaborated by experts from various sport disciplines, including basketball, football, traditional wrestling and athletics, aiming to foster 15 selected soft skills, such as adaptability, empathy, conflict resolution, active listening and decision making. |
The manual is the result of cooperation with many partners involved. Photo © GIZ |
All S4DA project partners, namely SOS Children’s Villages, Don Bosco Centers, OlympAfrica Foundation and ISEP Thiès, were involved in the development process, especially with regards to the identification of competences relevant for employability, the pre-validation of the manual content, practical testing of the exercises, etc.
Further information:
» You can access the manual here.
catherine.daraspe@giz.de |
Enhancing Employability through Sport: ‘Fit for life’ – Summer Schools for Youth |
by Afrim Iljazi
During the summer, two ‘Sport for Development’ (S4D) youth summer schools were held in Kosovo to support the expansion of youth's opportunities that bring sustainable employment. |
Building employability capacities by 'Sport for Development'. Photo © GIZ |
The local summer schools were hosted by German Development Cooperation in collaboration with the Employment Agency of the Republic of Kosovo, which brought together around 40 young people to build their employability capacities and share experiences with a special emphasis on career orientation activities. |
‘Fit for life’ – Summer Schools for Youth in Kosovo. Photo © GIZ |
In these action, the S4D programme together with the programme on Training for the labour market ‘Fit for Jobs’ supported the youngsters to develop employment prospects and support them to develop skills that are required in the labour market in Kosovo. |
Teamwork is one of the required skills in the labour market. Photo © GIZ |
During both summer schools, the young job seekers from Kosovo have enjoyed recreational activities and social gatherings in the evening, after an active day full of training sessions that aimed to increase their employability skills and career orientation. Teamwork, goal settings, problem-solving skills, were only few of the topics discussed among the young people during both summer schools.
afrim.iljazi@giz.de |
Sport for Skill Development Workshop in India |
by Tim Birnbrich
In cooperation with the Indo-German Programme for Vocational Education and Training, two Training of Trainer workshops were conducted in Karnataka, India. Within those two workshops teachers and coaches got to know the 'Sport for Development' (S4D) approach as a new and innovative way of play-based learning. The project was organisationally and practically supported by the German Football Association. |
Practical session during the workshop. Photo © GIZ |
Both workshops included theoretical as well as practical sessions and were conducted by Govind Rathod and Sebastian Weinand in a professional and passionate manner. The first workshop took place at Ghousia Industrial Training Centre in Bangalore including 24 participants from different training institutes in Bangalore. The second workshop was held at Sri Dharmastala Manjunatheswara Industrial Training Institute in Venur with a similar number of participants. |
The workshops were supported by the German Football Association. Photo © GIZ |
The teachers from the training institutes acquired self-confidence in their abilities and got to know how they connect topics such as sense of responsibility and decision-making skills with different sport activities. In the future the participants will make use of these activities in order to help their students in developing skills which are linkable and relevant for their local industries.
Further information:
» Have a look at the clip of our second workshop on Sport for Skill Development in Venur, India, on YouTube or Instagram (with sound).
tim.birnbrich@giz.de |
Going digital: Experience and Opportunities with Athletics for Development Mobile App in Uganda |
by Innocent Asiimwe
A key endeavor of the ‘Athletics for Development’ (A4D) project component has been to digitalise coaching resources with the objective to make them readily accessible and facilitate coaches to connect. With this in mind, the project supported the development of a mobile application to accommodate the A4D methodology and offer tailor-made solutions such as offline mode, chat function and quick access to resources on-the-go. |
Official launch of the A4D App. Photo © GIZ Uganda/Michael Nsubuga |
The mobile app is a learning tool for practitioners in the field of ‘Sport for Development’ beyond the confines of Uganda. The development process of the app has been financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development through GIZ- Sector Programme ‘Sport for Development’ and is being run by Cradle Sports, a local S4D organisation.
During the app launch in August 2022 at a hybrid event organised under the theme: “It’s here, it’s ready, Let’s get started”, A4D coaches, partner organisations, sport and technology enthusiasts came together to get their first-hand experience while navigating through the app. GIZ Country Director James Macbeth hosted the event. |
The A4D App supports users with visual impairment by an integrated audio recording. Photo © GIZ Uganda |
So far, the app – which can be accessed in the Google Play Store – has been applauded by the users as it avails the A4D methodology on the go without need for internet access, minimises printing and use of paper-based training manuals, provides connects coaches and teachers, embeds further training resources and integrates an audio recording to support users with visual impairment.
The project team in Uganda remains available to share experiences regarding the development process with interested parties who wish to undertake similar efforts of digitalising resources in other contexts.
Further information:
» Find here the link for App download at the google play store.
Innocent.asiimwe@giz.de |
Sport for Development integrated into vocational Training in Mexico-City |
by Florian Schmidbauer and Hauke Nehrhoff
Participants at the vocational training in Mexico-City. Photo © GIZ |
The 'Sport for Development' (S4D) project has been offering about 150 young women at six different vocational schools in the outskirts of Mexico-City an opportunity to exercise alongside their vocational training since February 2022.
In a country where poverty, violence, difficult housing conditions and an inadequate health system are still often part of everyday life, football offers new perspectives for the girls. Due to the high obesity rate, the focus of the weekly football training sessions, which are led by a trained S4D coach, are on the physical components taught through play. By using the S4D methodology within the trainings, the participants are learning next to the physical components, social and communication skills, stronger self-confidence, team skills and resilience through sport. Behavior in conflict situations, anti-racism and violence prevention are playing an important role in the trainings as well.
The S4D training offers new perspectives for the participating girls. Photo © GIZ |
The project is embedded in successful joint work between the Sector Programme ‘Sport for Development’ and the vocational training project of the German-Mexican cooperation via GIZ, and on the other hand the DFB Foundation Egidius Braun and the ‘Academia Borussia’, one of Borussia Dortmund's numerous football schools worldwide. At the beginning of September, a successful pilot tournament was organised, in which the young people from the six vocational schools played against each other. In addition to the desire of winning the tournament, the girls' main focus was having fun and the idea of fair play.
The long-term goal of establishing a women's vocational league for the state vocational schools, modelled on the US college leagues, will be proposed to the partners in the Mexican Ministry of Education. By the time of the 2026 World Cup, which will be held in Canada, the USA, and in Mexico, this project could already be bearing fruit.
hauke.nehrhoff@giz.de |
Youth Empowerment Workshop in Tunisia |
by Asma Mrad
As part of the scaling up strategy of the ‘Sport for Development’ (S4D) project in Tunisia, 50 Youth Leaders have benefited from the training of multipliers. |
Tabarka: Together we succeeded. Photo © GIZ/Mohamed Jouini |
There were two successful sessions of the multipliers training each one creating a friendly and fun atmosphere for participants; the first session included 20 Youth Leaders and took place at the Youth Center Tabarka on 13 until 15 June 2022. The second one took place at the Gabes Youth Complex on 23 until 25 June 2022, where 30 youth leaders participated. |
Gabes: We aim for the goal with our strategy. Photo © GIZ/Mohamed Jouini |
The pedagogical approach was presented and deeply internalised by the participants. In addition to theoretical sessions, the participants applied exercises from the new manual ‘Take your life in your own hands’ that the Programme has developed together with the Tunisian Ministry of Youth and Sports.
The 50 Youth Leaders are spread over the 24 governorates of Tunisia. In this view the multipliers will disseminate the pedagogical approach throughout Tunisia, aiming to use sport and psychosocial activities as a tool to improve the promotion of life skills, employability, and violence prevention for 1,200 disadvantaged youth prone to risk behaviors.
The multipliers will also be responsible for training other youth workers in youth centers on the S4D approach, and the Ministry of Youth and Sport will supervise these training sessions.
asma.mrad@giz.de |
Sport and Integration – the ‘Sport for Development’ Community Day |
by Hauke Nehrhoff
On 13 September 2022, the conference ‘Sport and Integration – the S4D Community Day’ took place in Salé, Morocco. |
Proud at the ‘Sport for Development’ Community Day. Photo © GIZ |
100 participants, representing ‘Sport for Development’ (S4D) coaches, NGOs, sports federations, municipalities, political actors, universities, the private sector and entrepreneurs from the sports sector took part in the event to celebrate the opportunity to review the beautiful course of S4D in Morocco during the last three years. All partners that were invited to the event worked on a daily base on economic and social development through sport and innovation in the sports industry in Morocco. This event brought all those stakeholders from the S4D Community Morocco together and provided the floor for lively discussions on sport and integration, the labour market, as well as gender – with regional perspectives. |
Great get-together to celebrate 'Sport for Development' in Morocco. Photo © GIZ |
Different actors form the German Embassy, the BMZ, GIZ Morocco and GIZ Sector Programme ‘Sport for Development’ spoke words of greetings during the Event. After a short video, summarising the results since 2019, three thematic panel discussions were held with the Moroccan partners. The topical discussions were on Social and economic integration through sport, Employment promotion and the sport sector as well as Sport and Gender. |
Panel discussion on Social and economic integration through sport. Photo © GIZ |
After the discussions, a short S4D dance closing animation and the exhibition ‘Faces of S4D Morocco’ took place, as well as the opportunity to exhibit the various stands of the partners to get a more in-depth information about their work within the S4D field. The whole event was made available via livestream, in order to involve all interested parties who could not attend in person.
hauke.nehrhoff@giz.de |
Workshop on Health, Education, and Nutrition through Sport in Tajikistan |
by Florian Schmidbauer and Hauke Nehrhoff
Participants learn more about the methodological approach of 'Sport for Development' during their training. Photo © GIZ |
As part of the GIZ 'Sport for Development' (S4D) programme commissioned by BMZ, a workshop on health, education, and nutrition through sport took place from 26 to 30 September with 33 participants in Dushanbe, Tajikistan. The aim was to train participants in the S4D methodology in order for them to become multipliers of their acquired knowledge in their communities.
In the 5-day S4D training, the participants were taught in-depth knowledge on health-related topics, including psychosocial health and general ways to a healthy lifestyle through the S4D approach. Through the training, participants were able to learn how sport can improve physical fitness, mental well-being and social interactions, but also how the S4D approach can be a valuable tool for health education, awareness raising and activation.
The workshop agenda was a combination of theoretical sessions with topics such as ‘Appropriate use of virtual/digital environment and comparison issues’, ‘Introduction to body coordination and learning about body posture’ and practical session, including warm-up, specific football related training, fun-based games and a cool down. Furthermore, the training aimed at teaching the participants how sport and the S4D approach can be used in the context of formal and informal education. |
The participants after a practical session at the pitch. Photo © GIZ |
The participants were able to experience how sport can support the acquisition of competences such as motivation, goal orientation, perseverance, and tolerance. Furthermore, the participants gained self-confidence in their abilities and were trained on the topics of responsibility and decision-making skills, which can be helpful in carrying out activities in the local context.
hauke.nehrhoff@giz.de |
Launch: ¡Marcando Gol! / ¡Marking Goal! |
by Catalina Prieto Solano
As an innovative tool, sport is a stimulus for change and sustainable development, both for individuals and for society as a whole. However, the participation of women in this field is often reduced and invisible. In some sport practices, such as soccer, gender roles, stereotypes and imaginaries limit women's access and equal participation in these historically masculinized spaces.
From this place, it is relevant to inquire about the relationship between sport and gender, where sport, such as soccer, begins to be understood as a symbolic, social and cultural category, to the extent that it becomes a tool to reconfigure gender identities and transformations of the spaces of participation by the incidence of women. |
Launch of the course ¡Marcando Gol! at the Ministry of Sport. Photo © GIZ |
In favour of this female empowerment, ‘Sport for Development’ and equity in sport, the VIRTUAL COURSE: Marking Goal! Leadership and participation of Women in Sport and in the context of Soccer was developed in cooperation with the Ministry of Sport of Colombia, the DFB, University Externado de Colombia and University Sergio Arboleda, in addition to having the support of UNESCO, UN Women and the Ibero-American Sports Council. |
The campaign logo of Marcando Gol. Photo © GIZ |
This course seeks to train promoters of gender equality in sport, through their position as role models for children and youth. Emphasising that the participation of women in the world of sport has its place. The course aims to provide conceptual and historical elements on the subject, share tools and training for empowerment in the sports world, as well as intervention strategies, where the need for equal opportunities for all genders is recognised.
It was divided into five modules: (1) introduction to sport and gender, (2) ‘Sport for Development’ with a gender perspective, (3) sport and gender, (4) sport training and (5) empowerment and sport management. It has an approximate duration of 50 hours, and the learning is autonomous. It is available on the website of the Virtual School of Sport: https://aula.mindeporte.gov.co/ for all those interested in the area of ‘Gender and Sport for Development’ in Colombia or anywhere in the world.
Daniela Maturana (vice-minister of sport) said at the launching of the course on 3 August 2022: 'What we want with Marcando gol is to continue generating uncomfortable conversations that question the role of women in sport. We need academia, civil society organizations. This is about the country, about sport, about women. Regardless of ideology, this path has been traced.'
Here is a first stage of collective construction that marks the beginning of cooperation in Colombia and America by women and for women. To date there are 357 people enrolled, 124 men and 233 women. We hope there will be many more.
catalina.prieto@giz.de |
How partners build capacities with 'Sport for Development' |
BMZ and DFB deepen their Partnership |
by Florian Schmidbauer
The 10th anniversary of the successful partnership between the BMZ and the DFB marked a new milestone – DFB president Neuendorf and federal minister Schulze signed a renewed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).
Within the context of the tenth anniversary of their partnership, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the German Football Association (DFB) have agreed to continue and intensify their joint commitment to sustainability, social responsibility, and development through sport. Development Minister Svenja Schulze and DFB President Bernd Neuendorf signed a partnership declaration to this effect in Berlin on 14 September 2022. The cooperation focuses on the promotion of women and girls as future leaders in sport and society. |
Federal Minister Schulze and DFB President Neuendorf signing the renewed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). Photo © BMZ |
The German Development Ministry and the German Football Association have been cooperating since 2012, with former national players Nia Künzer and Gerald Asamoah actively promoting the partnership as ’Sport for Development‘ ambassadors appointed by the BMZ and the DFB. Together, BMZ and DFB implement ‘Sport for Development’ projects worldwide – for example in Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Namibia, Tunisia, Jordan, Northern Iraq and Indonesia.
In future, this approach is to be anchored even more broadly in local organisations such as schools, clubs and associations through training and further education. To this end, existing cooperation with associations in partner countries will be expanded. A special focus is the promotion of women and girls, for example through the joint youth development programme ’Future Leaders in Football‘ (FLF): young women who are already involved in football are trained to take on leadership responsibilities in sport and to act as role models and multipliers in sport and society.
Part of the agreement between the BMZ and the DFB is the commitment of the partners to the sustainable organization of major sporting events – and to utilize the EURO 2024 in Germany as an important driver for sustainable development in sport and society.
Federal Development Minister Schulze: ’Football inspires and connects people all over the world. That is why it also has the power to promote the sustainable development of societies. We can only tackle global challenges for people, the environment and the climate together. That is why I am pleased that we are renewing our strong partnership with the German Football Association today.’
Bernd Neuendorf says: ’The partnership between BMZ and DFB is an unprecedented success story. Together we are convinced that sport, and football in particular, can make positive contributions to personal, social and societal development worldwide. Over the past ten years, many small and large advances have been made in numerous projects, and we have reached people and helped people all over the world.’
florian.schmidbauer@giz.de |
International Expert Training (IET) ’Sport for Development‘ 2022 in Skopje/North Macedonia |
by Steffen Reich
A practical session at the International Expert Training in Skopje. Photo © GIZ/Nebojsha Petrevski |
From 29 August to 3 September 2022, the International Expert Training ‘Sport for Development’ was hosted for the first time in Skopje, North Macedonia. The sport pedagogical training, which took place on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), was attended by 25 trainers from 10 countries for further training and exchange in the method of ‘Sport for Development’. The event was held in the framework of 30 years of German-Macedonian cooperation.
‘Strengthening the role of sport as an important enabler of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals’ is one of the goals announced within the Olympic Agenda 2020+5 of the Olympic Movement. Both, the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB) and the Olympic Committee of North Macedonia (MOK) believe in the potential of sport for social development in aspects such as social cohesion, gender equality, inclusion, and health, to name a few. With this in mind, DOSB and MOK organised the International Expert Training (IET) in cooperation with the 'Sport for Development' programme of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ). |
This year's IET brought together 25 experts from 10 countries. Photo © GIZ/Nebojsha Petrevski |
One main focus was on the exchange of experiences and the impact sport and physical activity offer for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The aim is to further anchor this holistic, socially oriented approach in local, national, and international sport and educational structures. Through these sport pedagogical programmes, children and young people learn not only the fundamentals of sports, but also how to take responsibility, behave fairly and resolve conflicts peacefully. These are key qualifications and everyday skills that facilitates peaceful and corporative living together or entering the professional world. |
Special Highlight: the visit of the German Ambassador to North Macedonia Anke Holstein. Photo © GIZ/Nebojsha Petrevski |
The participants of the IET not just obtain knowledge of the S4D methodology with the target group of children and youth, but multiply the concept to other trainers, social workers, and teachers in their home countries. The S4D experts represented partner countries of the German development cooperation and member organisations of the DOSB, the MOK and other National Olympic Committees. They came from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Colombia, Ethiopia, Germany, Kenya, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Serbia, and Uganda.
This year's training was ceremonially opened on 29 August together by MOK Secretary General Dr Sasho Popovski and GIZ Country Director for North Macedonia and Kosovo, David Oberhuber. It was the first edition to be held in the Western Balkans. During six days, DOSB expert Dr Caroline Braun and Nadica Jovanovik, Macedonian S4D expert, moderated the exchange between the participants and provided advanced knowledge in the S4D methodology. A special highlight was the visit of the German Ambassador to North Macedonia Anke Holstein. Within her short visit, the Ambassador learned more about the approach of 'Sport for Development' and had the chance of personal exchanges with the IET participants.
steffen.reich@giz.de |
Sustainable Textiles in professional Sports |
by Hannes Utescher
Solar panels on the stadiums, reusable dishes in the stadiums, sausages from the organic farmer around the corner - in recent years, the commitment of professional sports to greater sustainability has increased sharply. However, measures on purchasing practices and in particular on the sustainable procurement of sports textiles have been the exception.
Nevertheless, very positive examples of the implementation of sustainable textile procurement can already be found in various sports. Clubs, for example, offer certified merchandising in their fan stores. However, the conversion is often still limited to a small part of the product range. In addition, buyers pay attention to sustainability, especially with regard to fibers, and focus in particular on ecological requirements. In contrast, compliance with labor and human rights and the implementation of due diligence obligations by suppliers are often less prominent. |
Sustainable textiles in professional sports: Market dialog on opportunities and challenges. Photo © taoonex-pixabay.com |
What challenges arise from sustainable procurement, what special role team sportswear plays in this context and what approaches to solutions clubs from the various sports see, was the focus of a market dialogue that took place on 30 August 2022 at the premises of GIZ.
Together, representatives of football Bundesliga clubs as well as officials from ice hockey or basketball teams, suppliers and others, learned about the green button, discussed strategies for a holistic approach to common challenges, and shared approaches to solutions that went far beyond individual sports.
The market dialogue was prompted by a feasibility study on the sustainable procurement of textiles in professional sports conducted by the non-profit organization FEMNET on behalf of the sector programme ‘Sport for Development’. For the study, with a few exceptions, clubs from the respective first national leagues as well as the top and league associations from football, handball, basketball and ice hockey were considered.
Further information:
» The whole study can be reviewed here (in German).
hannes.utescher@giz.de |
’Shaping the future‘: Aligned with this motto, the first DFL sustainability forum was held at the Futurium (House of the future) in Berlin on 26 July. Being the first of its kind, the DFL has created a new platform for exchange on the topic of sustainability in the first and second Bundesliga. From now on, the sustainability forum is planned to be an annual event. |
Panel discussion at the DFL Forum with Marius Dietrich, Senior Policy Officer at BMZ. Photo © GIZ |
More than 200 guests from politics, business, society, science, media, and sports participated in the event to exchange ideas on a wide range of topics related to sustainability. Numerous experts, including the BMZ, were invited to contribute inputs, key notes, and to join panels on various impulses on sustainability in professional sport, demands and initiatives from partners as well as sustainable corporate governance. Federal minister Ms. Schulze introduced the DFL sustainability forum with a video message, underlining the importance of this forum and encouraged the participants to discuss joint solutions to global challenges.
Overall, the event represents a significant first step towards more sustainability in professional football, but the discussions during the event and the current situations indicates the need of further elaboration and implementation in this topic.
tim.birnbrich@giz.de |
'Sport has changed my life' |
by Johannes Ludwig
'Sport saved me', Maclean Atsu Dzidzienyo says. He is a young man from Ghana having a mobility disability. He was nine years old when he could no longer feel his legs because of a medical error. A few years later he became one of the famous Paralympic athletes for Ghana. |
Maclean trains in the catacombs of the Accra Sports Stadium. Photo © GIZ / Felix Lohmaier |
Once Maclean was no longer able to walk, he was on his own. He crawled through streets on his hands and sets traps in the bushes. “Life back then was hard, really hard”, recalls Maclean those days when he barely earned enough to pay his school fees. One day Maclean met a disability activist who gave him access to the world of disability sports. Basketball was Maclean’s first discipline – he made it into the team for the Paralympics. Next came the 1.500-meter race and finally the supreme distance: the marathon. He found his passion and meaning of life in sport and is now a true role model for persons with disabilities in Ghana and beyond.
The GIZ Global Project Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities hosts the website on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). There, persons with disabilities find a platform to show that inclusion is a human right, part of a diverse society and an opportunity for an innovative community.
Further information:
» For the full story on Maclean, visit www.living-inclusion.org.
» Has Maclean inspired you? Then help him in his efforts to create a more inclusive society by sharing his story on your social networks and follow the Twitter Channel @GPInclusion.
» You can find everything you need here: Join the campaign – Inklusion leben.
Table Tennis for Development goes into Series Production |
by Steffen Reich
Within three weeks in August and September, the ITTF Foundation implemented three ‘Table Tennis for Development’ (TT4D) workshops. The TT4D workshop series took place in Kosovo, Iran and Uganda. The overall topic was capacity building on the use of ‘Sports for Development’, focusing on table tennis for specific development outcomes. |
One of the ‘Table Tennis for Development’ (TT4D) workshops took place in Iran. Photo © ITTF |
During the workshops in those three different countries, with attendees from various nations, the participants discussed and worked on topics like:
• Gender Empowerment - using table tennis to reduce violence, increase self-esteem and enhance positive decision-making for women and girls and discussions about gender stereotypes
• How to engage potential partners and maintaining partnerships
• Concept of Developing Life Skills as self-competences, social competences and methodological competences
• Affective Leadership
Gratitude is owned to all partners for the involvement and contribution, creating a fantastic series of workshops and for developing a new Handbook on Table Tennis for Development.
steffen.reich@giz.de |
‘Sport for Development’ stand at the BMZ Open Day in Berlin |
by Hauke Nehrhoff
On the weekend of 20 and 21 August 2022, the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) invited to an Open Day at its Berlin headquarters. In addition to insights into the work of the Development Ministry, there were various stands of the numerous partner organisations of the BMZ, among them the ‘Sport for Development’ (S4D) stand.
'Sport for Development' ambassador Nia Künzer together with the BMZ and GIZ team at the S4D stand. Photo © GIZ |
The S4D team presented and explained the ‘Sport for Development’ approach with numerous activities, manuals, and its images from the S4D Calendar to many interested visitors. Moreover, the visitors could get active on the mini-table tennis section and test their knowledge on the SDGs and S4D on a wheel of fortune, provided by the S4D Team. During the Open Days, the S4D stand was visited by Birgit Pickel, the Director-General for Africa and Marius Dietrich, Senior Policy Officer in the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and his colleague Stefanie Oldenburg. |
Panel discussion about sports and sustainability. Photo © GIZ |
Part of the S4D Team on-site was the ‘Sport for Development’ ambassador Nia Künzer, who took the opportunity for a fun-game at the mini-table tennis area. On both days, a stage was used for discussions on current political issues, such as the situation in Ukraine, global food security, climate protection and biodiversity and specific BMZ development cooperation projects as well as the 'Sport for Development' approach. During a panel discussion on stage – moderated by Katie Gallus - Nia Künzer discussed together with Gordon Knebel, head of merchandising at 1. FC Union Berlin and Dirk Meyer head of department at BMZ the connection between sport, football, SDGs, and sustainability.
2800 visitors followed the diverse program of the ministry, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) as well as state organisations on both days.
hauke.nehrhoff@giz.de |
Learning Lab Participants ready to join the Global S4D Community |
by Anja Frings
Participants in the ‘Sport for Development’ (S4D) Learning Lab from 77 countries were able to benefit from a rich offer of digital seminars and workshops between April 2021 and July 2022: |
The figures show that the Learning Lab is very well received. Photo © GIZ |
The S4D Learning Lab offered the unique opportunity of a virtual global classroom. Participants were able to choose between various topics like introduction to S4D, sport for health, gender equality, education, employability, social cohesion, environment as well as monitoring/impact evaluation. Gender equality and employability turned out to be the most popular topics. Amongst the countries with the most participants are Uganda, Morocco, Egypt, Iraq, Tunisia, Ecuador, Jordan, Kenya, South Africa, Ghana, Senegal, Colombia, Palestine, Cameroon, Mexico.
Participants reported that there had been a positive interaction between themselves and the facilitators and a very good workshop dynamic in general. The balanced mix of facilitators’ inputs and participants’ experiences was very much appreciated. The Learning Lab is a strong instrument to contribute to the global effectiveness of S4D.
Thank you for participating in the Learning Lab events and making it a success! GIZ is planning to establish a Global S4D Community in spring 2023 that will include online webinars, trainings on the ground and much more. We are looking forward to meeting you there!
Further information:
» There will be new learning opportunities starting in November 2022. They will be announced on the S4D Learning Lab website. On the same page you will find the newly published guidelines for instructors developed by GIZ/DSHS, if you are interested in running S4D workshops yourself. Please come back to us in case of queries or if you have any feedback.
» For further information on S4D use our S4D Resource Toolkit Website.
sport-for-development@giz.de for any general queries |
Free Online Courses on 'Sport for Development' and Safeguarding in Sport |
by Mariam Ibrahim
With the support of ‘Sport for Development’ in Africa (S4DA), the African Union Sport Council (AUSC) has launched two introductory self-paced web-based trainings, one on ‘Sport for Development’ (S4D) Basics and another one on Safeguarding in Sport and ‘Sport for Development’. The objective of the web-based trainings is to promote access to high-quality digital learning content, while spreading the S4D approach and raising awareness on safeguarding in sport and S4D. Any facilitator conducting sports activities including e.g., teachers, social workers, and coaches can participate. No prior knowledge of S4D is required. The courses are available in English and French and are free of charge on the learning platform, atingi. After completing the courses, participants will be awarded a pdf certificate. |
We hope you have already heard of 'Sport for Development'. Photo © GIZ |
‘The two online modules will greatly contribute towards the use of S4D to achieve some of the African Union Agenda 2063 aspirations of “The Africa We Want”, that is inclusive with empowered women, girls, youth, persons with disabilities, and vulnerable groups,’ states Dr. Decius Chipande, Coordinator of the AUSC. ‘They [the courses] will also contribute to building societies that safeguard and care for children and vulnerable adults, promote democratic values, good governance principles, and preserve African values and cultural identity.’
The 60-minute-long ‘Sport for Development’ Basics course explores topics that can be addressed through S4D, along with how to structure an S4D session and the impact S4D can have on individuals and the community. The 90-minute Safeguarding in Sport and ‘Sport for Development’ course on the other hand addresses the meaning of safeguarding, the different types of harm, how to deal with safeguarding concerns, and the roles and responsibilities of S4D facilitators.
Further information:
» To access the courses, please create an account on atingi first by following this link.
» After creating an account, you can find the ‘Sport for Development’ Basics course and the Safeguarding in Sport and Sport for Development course here.
Launch of free E-Learning Courses on Mental Health & Well-Being |
by Simon Franke
We are proud to be launching the first e-learning course on mental health & well-being and how sport can help you get mentally fit. The one-hour-course is aimed at young people from around the world and can be found on the e-learning platform atingi, free of charge (link see at the end of the article).
Screenshot of the introduction video of the course “Mental Health & Well-Being”. Photo © GIZ |
In these courses participants will learn what stress, anxiety, depression, and bullying is and how to deal with it. Furthermore, participants will learn how to build up communication skills, how meditation and breathing exercises can help them get mentally fit and how to build up self-esteem and resilience to live a healthy life. |
Screenshot from the video on meditation and mindfulness. Photo © GIZ |
The course contains 6 lessons of approx. 10 minutes each. Each lesson begins with a short, animated introductory video with subtitles on the topic at hand. After watching the video, the participants work through further information on the respective topic and take a quiz on it. Once the participants complete the course, they receive a certificate of participation.
Further information:
» To access the free of charge courses, please create an account on atingi first by following this link.
» After creating an account, you can find the ‘Sport for Development’ course Mental Health and Well-Being here.
simon.franke@giz.de |